Above all, we humbly ask that you relax and be yourself. It’s not easy, but the best thing that you can do is be exactly you. This is not a job interview, so for the love of Pete, wear everyday clothing. Wear stuff that you always wear. This is no time for your Sunday best, unless that’s how you dress for the other six days of the week, too.
Your video should be uploaded to a website such as YouTube, Vimeo, or Dropbox or submitted through GetAcceptd.com. We are currently accepting applications on a rolling basis until all spots are filled, so please submit your video ASAP.
Detailed Instructions are below.
General Information
When choosing your audition material, please submit whatever you feel represents you the best. We have no specific style requirements. However, we do ask that you do not patch together pre-recorded material. Nothing from a school production, recital, or anything like that. We want you to turn on a camera and make a video with the required elements.
We want to learn what interests you, what inspires you, what scares you, and yes, where your talents lie. We don’t need you to “dazzle” us; we’re simply looking for young artists who are creative and smart.
You should act, dance, and sing, We expect you to approach one like the other (they are so intimately related), meaning that we hope you bring yourself to each discipline – your own point of view, your own unique brand of expression which no one else in the world possesses.

Please refer to the chart to see what your submission should include for each program.
If you would like to be considered for multiple programs, you should submit materials for the program with the most requirements. Students who submit Panorama requirements (5 pieces) will also be considered for Blueprint and both Compass programs as well as Panorama. Students who submit Blueprint requirements (4 pieces) will also be considered for both Compass programs as well as Blueprint.
Submission Material Details:
please submit...
Completely Personal Ad-Lib Time
This is for you to interpret. We want you to talk to us, candidly, for a few minutes (maximum 5). Don’t write down a statement and memorize it. We’d like you to speak off the cuff, conversationally, and informally. Help us get to know you a bit better. There are no right or wrong answers. If you want more guidance in choosing a topic to speak about, feel free to answer one of the following questions: 1. Can you think of a time in your life when you lost the battle but won the war? Tell us about it. 2. Please elaborate on what you consider is the most underrated TV show. 3. Please explain the popularity of poke bowls.
A Movement Submission (OPTIONAL)
This is 1-to-3 minutes of you moving your bonehouse (which is how Chaucer referred to the human body in Olde English, which’s pretty rad). Conventionally, this's a dance combination (or multiple combos showing different styles) but it doesn’t have to be. It can be anything you’d like. If it’s choreographed/invented by you, so much the better but that’s not a requirement. If you choose to waive your dance piece, we will place you as a beginner/intermediate level dancer. (Compass: Dance for Movers applicants are REQUIRED to submit a movement submission).
An Acting Submission
This is a 60-to-90 second monologue. You can choose anything: contemporary, classical, or anything in between. It can be theater, film, television, or… something original YOU’VE written.
A Vocal Submission
This is a full song, or a healthy excerpt of a song. Again, anything goes. Or, Anything Goes. You decide, but choose something you really like. It doesn’t need to be from a musical but it should be something that has a story you can sink your teeth into, as opposed to just pretty notes.
An Original Piece of Any Kind
This is something created by none-other-than-you. If you’ve already included an original song, monologue, or movement piece, then you've already checked this box. If not, you can show us a poem, a painting, a rap, a pantomime, a character you’ve created; it’s all on the table.
All submissions should also include the following administrative Items (needed for all programs)
- a photo of yourself
- an online application
- a $25 application fee (if applying on Getacceptd, you will be charged a $35 application fee and you must pay on that website, not through paypal on our website) If the application fee poses a financial hardship you may request a fee waiver by emailing Kim@performingartsproject.com. Waivers are not available for those submitting through Getacceptd.

If you are submitting via YouTube, Vimeo or Dropbox please follow the instructions below.
- Applications can be filled out here.
- Upload your audition to YouTube, Vimeo, or Dropbox.
- You may need to create multiple videos if the content is too large.
- You probably want to create a private link so that your audition is not public. (This is up to you, but please make sure we are able to view the material when given the proper link.)
- Send an email to INFO@PERFORMINGARTSPROJECT.COM using the subject “Digital Submission – Your Name”
- Attach your photo
- Include the link or links to your videos
- Pay the $25 application fee via the Payments page.
- If applying on Getacceptd, you will be charged a $35 application fee and you must pay on that website, not through paypal on our website.
- If the application fee poses a financial hardship you may request a fee waiver by emailing Kim@performingartsproject.com. Waivers are not available to those submitting through Getacceptd.
If you are submitting via getacceptd.com please go to the link below and follow submission instructions.